Power Forever

Power Forever has got that a man and women want from a sex supplement. It is a successful and unique formulation of rare and precious herbs that works as a natural sex enhancer. Power Forever resolves all of your sex related problems and makes your married and sex life more enjoyable and fulfilled. Power Forever works as an herbal tonic that is as good for overall health as it is for sex related problems.

Tk. 3500.00
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obe slim

আপনার মেদ-ভুড়ি, /ওজন কমাতে অথবা নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখতে চান? দিনের একটি বা দুটি প্রধান আহারের বিকল্প হিসেবে obe slim গ্রহন করতে পারেন। এই পদ্ধতিতে ক্যালরি গ্রহণের পরিমাণ নিয়ন্ত্রিত হয় এবং লক্ষ্য হল সুষম খাবার গ্রহণের মাধ্যমে ওজন কমানো বা নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখা। obe slim ওজন নিয়ন্ত্রনে কেবল মাত্র খাবারের বিকল্প সহায়ক হিসাবে ব্যবহার যোগ্য। ইহা অব্যশই ওষধ নহে। খাওয়ার নিয়ম ঃ ১। একটি গ্লাসে ২৫০ মি.লি. বিশুদ্ধ পানি ঢালুন। ২। বিশুদ্ধ পানিতে চা চামচের ২-৩ চামচ obe slim পাউডার যোগ করুন। ৩। একটি ছোট চামচ দিয়ে ধীরে ধীরে আনুমানিক ২০ সেকেন্ড ধরে নাড়–ন যাতে মিশ্রনটি সুষম হয়। ৪। সুস্বাদু, সম্পূর্ণ এবং ভারসাম্যযুক্ত তৈরিকৃত obe slim দিনে এক বা দু’বার দুপুর অথবা রাতের খাবারের পরিবর্তে গ্রহণ করুন। বাড়তি স্বাদ এর জন্য পানির পরিবর্তে ২৫০ মি.লি. দুধ অথবা মৌসুমি ফলের জুস এর সাথে পান করতে পারেন। Call : 01711161810

Tk. 1590.00
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Mahabali is an Ayurvedic supplement formulated for men and women looking to enhance their sexual experience and resolve issues related to their sexual performance. The herbal formulation helps increase sexual desire, stamina, libido, and performance. It works as a cure for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and impotence and balances the hormonal functions of the body. ● NATURAL BENEFITS ✓ Improves libido ✓ Treat erectile dysfunction ✓ Improves sexual performance ✓ Prolonged sexual time ✓ Enhance arousal ✓ Control ejaculation ✓ Improved and increased stamina Available Sizes: Oil – 1 X 15ml || Powder – 1 X 150gms||Capsule – 1 X 60capsules

Tk. 3500.00
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Obe Slim Powder

আপনার মেদ-ভুড়ি, /ওজন কমাতে অথবা নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখতে চান? দিনের একটি বা দুটি প্রধান আহারের বিকল্প হিসেবে obe slim গ্রহন করতে পারেন। এই পদ্ধতিতে ক্যালরি গ্রহণের পরিমাণ নিয়ন্ত্রিত হয় এবং লক্ষ্য হল সুষম খাবার গ্রহণের মাধ্যমে ওজন কমানো বা নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখা। obe slim ওজন নিয়ন্ত্রনে কেবল মাত্র খাবারের বিকল্প সহায়ক হিসাবে ব্যবহার যোগ্য। ইহা অব্যশই ওষধ নহে। খাওয়ার নিয়ম ঃ ১। একটি গ্লাসে ২৫০ মি.লি. বিশুদ্ধ পানি ঢালুন। ২। বিশুদ্ধ পানিতে চা চামচের ২-৩ চামচ obe slim পাউডার যোগ করুন। ৩। একটি ছোট চামচ দিয়ে ধীরে ধীরে আনুমানিক ২০ সেকেন্ড ধরে নাড়–ন যাতে মিশ্রনটি সুষম হয়। ৪। সুস্বাদু, সম্পূর্ণ এবং ভারসাম্যযুক্ত তৈরিকৃত obe slim দিনে এক বা দু’বার দুপুর অথবা রাতের খাবারের পরিবর্তে গ্রহণ করুন। বাড়তি স্বাদ এর জন্য পানির পরিবর্তে ২৫০ মি.লি. দুধ অথবা মৌসুমি ফলের জুস এর সাথে পান করতে পারেন। Call : 01711161810
Tk. 1590.00
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Super Shakti Prash

100% Successful Formula With Guaranty Really Improve Sex Time Improve sperm count Boost male fertility Boost stamina Stop Premature Ejaculation Stop wet dreams (Night Fall) Increase immunity power Super Shakti Prash Powder is 100% Natural Product made of Herbs (jari buties) using a specific recipiency. How to use : Take 1 teaspoon with cool water or milk after meal in evening 100% कामयाब आयुर्वेदिक चूर्ण शीघ्र पतन को जड से ख़त्म करता है ! वीर्य को गाड़ा कर शुक्राणुओ की संख्या में वृद्धि करता है ! स्वप्न दोष को जड से ख़त्म करे सेक्स करने की समय अवधि को बढाता है! सुपर शक्ति पराश चूरन : 100% आयुर्वेदिक है जो की विशेष जड़ी बूटियो से एक खास विधि से तैयार किया गया है ! इसके कोई भी side effect नहीं है ! कैसे उपयोग करे : शाम को खाना खाने के बाद 1 चम्मच पाउडर ठंडे पानी या दूध के साथ लेवे Why Super Shakti Prash Churan ? We use 100% pure Ayurveda Herbal products to make it. No Side Effect : Not Even 0.00 % We use High quality Manufacturing process meeting International Standards.GMP & ISO Slandered Manufacturing units. Keeping customers privacy & safety in mind we deliver product removing labels. If you need original packing with labels? please contact us with order id.

Tk. 2990.00
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Bye Bye Piles

Piles/hemorrhoids are described as the swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus. There are two types of piles- internal and external. When struck externally, piles cause a lot of pain, but no bleeding. However, in case of internal piles, there is no pain, but a discharge of dark blood. Sometimes the symtoms go away in few days.

Tk. 4500.00
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Mughal Prash

Mughal Prash is a herbal formulation of highly effective herbs to cure spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, loss of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction etc. It helps to regain the healthy sexual functions naturally. These ingredients act on both nervous and reproductive organs. Mughal Prash is a Dietary Supplement beneficial in natural sexual enhancement. It stimulates blood flow to the Genital region. The massaging action of Oil increases the impulses to the sexual organ for initiating sexual act. The highly organized sensory end organ system in the genital parts then transmits signals to the brain & erection & arousal occurs. It works best for men who fail to get an erection from time to time, despite feeling sexually aroused and also for those who have problems with maintaining sexual desire. Capsules is a boon who has poor penile rigidity due to over indulgence in sex or old age, with the growing age it continues the pleasure of sex. There could be a number of reasons for sexual problems including psychological & physical factors or a combination of both. Mughal Prash works on all factors. It is 100% Herbal and it has no Side effects.

Tk. 3500.00
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Ortho Balm

Ortho Aide Balm বৈজ্ঞানিকভাবেই NRDC (ন্যাশনাল রিসার্চ ডেভেলপমেন্ট কর্পোরেশন) এবং সি.এস.আই.আর.-নিইস্ত (বিজ্ঞান ও শিল্প গবেষণা-বিজ্ঞান-প্রযুক্তির উত্তর-পূর্ব ইনস্টিটিউট) দ্বারা আমাদের শরীরের সংমিশ্রণে সংক্রামিত ব্যথা দূর করার জন্য বৈজ্ঞানিকভাবে ডিজাইন এবং প্রত্যয়িত।হাঁটু ব্যথা, কাঁধের ব্যথা, পিঠ ব্যথা, আর্থ্রাইটিস এবং সার্ভিকাল, হিমায়িত কাঁধের টেনিস কাঁধ এবং পুষ্টি বা শর্করাবৎ তরলের অভাবের মতো জয়েন্টগুলোতে কোন সমস্যা হওয়ার কারণে যৌথ ব্যথা ইত্যাদি ব্যথা এবং ক্লান্তিকরতা এবং বিভিন্ন শরীরের Aches থেকে মুক্তি পায়। এই পণ্য বিভিন্ন প্রভাবিত শরীরের অংশ স্বাভাবিক কার্যকারিতা ফিরে আনতে সাহায্য করে ও নিমেষেই ব্যাথা থেকে মুক্তি দেয়।

Tk. 4490.00
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V-Tight & Drops

আপনি কি আপনার জীবন জীবনসঙ্গী কে নিয়ে চিন্তিত যোনমিলনে ত্রিপ্তি পাচ্ছেন্না তাহলে এখনি অর্ডার করুন ভি-টাইট জেল V-Tight Gel হল একটি সাময়িক আতর যা vaginal canal প্রাকৃতিক স্থিতিস্থাপকতা এবং tightness পুনর্নবীকরণ করে। ক্রিম শুধুমাত্র স্বাভাবিকভাবেই ঘটমান উপাদানগুলি ব্যবহার করে তৈরি করা হয় যা এটি আপনার সবচেয়ে ঘনিষ্ঠ এলাকার উপর ব্যবহারের জন্য একটি নিরাপদ পণ্য তৈরি করে। V-Tight জেল বছর ধরে নিখুঁত হয়েছে। প্রস্তুতকর্তা মহান অভিজ্ঞতা আছে এবং প্রায় 16 বছর ধরে এই ধরনের পণ্য তৈরি করা হয়েছে। Liquid Virgin Wet Vaginal Tightening Sex Lube Tight Vagina Shrink Crea

Tk. 3500.00
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Ortho Aide Balm

Ortho Balm is scientifically designed to relieve the pains associated with joints of our body. It relieves pain and stiffness and various body Aches like Knee pain, shoulder pain, back pain, arthritis and cervical, frozen shoulder tennis elbow and joint pain due to any problem in joints like deficiency of nutrition or synovial fluid. This incredible natural ingredients effectively act on joints and muscle pain and help in reducing swelling, improving blood circulation, removing tension in muscles and strengthening bones.This product helps in bringing back the normal functionality of various affected body parts,

Tk. 4490.00
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Ortho Aide Balm

The natural ingredients effectively act on joints and muscles eliminating pain and help reduce swelling, improving blood circulation, removing tension in muscles and strengthening bones. It relieves pain and stiffness, and various body aches like knee pain, shoulder pain, back pain, arthritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and joint pains. The balm is easy to use and provides instant relief. It penetrates the affected area instantly and absorbs easily without being greasy. Cures Joint Pains Relieves Back Pain Cures Swollen Joints Regular application on the affected area makes the joints stronger and increases mobility Useful in osteoarthritis, frozen joints and gout Relieves Sprain Relieves Painful Muscles Relieves Neck Strain Cures Rheumatoid Arthritis Restores stiff joints Ayurvedic Pain Relieving Balm Prolonged Relief from Pain Quick & Natural Relief from Pain Effective in providing Instant Relief No Side Effects 100% Ayurvedic Purely Herbal

Tk. 4490.00
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Fat Cutter Powder

Fat Cutter Powder:– Reduce Weight Fast and Safely It is an efficient Ayurvedic formulation that can help you to lose all the unwanted fat deposited on your body. Fat cutter powder is catered with all Ayurvedic herbs and is, therefore, safe to use for all. Some of the great herbal ingredients of the product include Giloy, Guggal, Nagarmotha, Yastimadhu, Jeera, Shunthi, Vilaiti Imli and Trifla. Fat cutter not just helps in losing excess fat from the body, but it has got some interesting health benefits as well, it helps in increasing the overall metabolism of the body and it even increases the immunity levels of the body.

Tk. 2990.00
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Hydromax penis Pump

Bathmate Hydromax X30 Xtreme Free USPS Priority Express Shipping within the U.S. & Free Size Cream Free Priority Shipping Worldwide ! Introducing the Xtreme, the latest edition to the Hydromax range. The X30 Xtreme takes your hydrotherapy workout to a new level. It's our most powerful pump, hast he same unique globally patented design but this pump comes with many additions. A Handball pump that works in water for a more xtreme pumping sensation and maximum gains with the benefit of absolute comfort and control. If you're serious about P.E. the new Hydromax X30 Xtreme is the pump for

Tk. 10900.00
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Sandha Oil

Sanda oil is a patent ayurvedic medicine for blissful and happy married life, stress free mind, good health and cool life style. Due to mental pressure, heavy tension and disorders of daily routine men loose their vigor, vitality and the result is that their male organ become flabby, loose and weak. Sanda oil is well known for rejuvenating weak loose and flabby organ. Sanda Oil helps to generate heat in organ and help to pump more blood in the penis which give perfect erection. It extends the time till climax curing premature ejaculation. It is a export quality massage oil for Men for external use only. It is also called Sandha or Saandha Oil. Suggested Use Shake well before use (Only for external Use)

Tk. 2990.00
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Sandhi Sudha Plus

Sandhi Sudha Plus Joint Pain Relief Oil is an authentic Ayurvedic medicine containing rare and precious Himalayan medicinal plant extracts. These plant extracts are being used for decades by millions of people for effective and immediate results. With meticulous selection of various such herbs and incorporating precision manufacturing techniques, Sandhi Sudha Joint Pain Relief Oil helps in reducing the severity of pain in knees, back, shoulder, elbow, neck, wrist, and ankles in 10-15 days of application. The use of Sandhi Sudha Plus helps the joint regain its stability and strength while effectively reducing the pain emanating from a dry nonfunctioning joint.

Tk. 2990.00
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Dr. Madhu Amrit

Dr. Madhu Amrit Herbal Powder is used to restores energy and improves health. This is a non toxic herbal powder and which is made from rich ingredients and available with us at cost effective pricing. We manufacture and supply Dr. Madhu Amrit Herbal Powder & capsule to our clients at exclusive range. This herbal powder helps in regulating diabetes. As per customers' requirements, we provide this herbal powder to our clients.

Tk. 5200.00
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Bye Bye Piles

Bye Bye piles is a hemorrhoid healing Ayurvedic medicine which can piles treatment without operation in Bangladesh. It remove lumps, pain and stops bleeding, any kind of itching. This is the best medicine for piles to get rid of hemorrhoids fast. It is an ayurvedic remedies for piles that gives you guaranteed piles cure without Operation. It is best medicine for piles which aims to provide effective relief from the pain and itching.

Tk. 4500.00
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Bestina Capsule / Bestina Oil is enriched with rare herbs. It helps to improve & develop the muscules and tissues. Betsina also helps tone & condition the skin towards shapely body, Naturally. Since it is an Ayurvedic Medicine, it has no side effect Benefits : Breast Increase Medicine Bestina Oil+Capsule ( Combo Pack) Contains concentrated ayurvedic ingredients. The Oil, Capsules is rich texture and penetrates quickly, is not sticky and does not stain cloths. Composition : Ashwagandha, Gajpipali, Gambhari, Daruhladi, Anar Chilka, Vach, dhamasa, Lazzalu, Til Tali, Vidarikand, Shatavari, Yashtimadhu, Ashoka, Lodhra.

Tk. 2990.00
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Dr James Breast Gel

Dr James Breast Enhancement Gel is an exclusive breast enhancing/firming formula that helps to enlarge the cellular substructure of the female breast. It helps in increasing breast size, developing a new satisfying feeling of fullness. It helps to enlarge, firm and shape the breast area and improve the tissues of the breasts. Dr. James Breast Firming Gel contains deep piercing natural liposomes that firm, strengthens and adds volume to the breast while keeping the skin soft and smooth. Exceptional formulation of Pueraria mirifica and PH balance nanotechnology formulation for instant breast firmness known for its capability to balance female hormones and promote breast size and firmness safely and naturally. The Firming bust gel is effective for firming, strengthening and adding volume to your breasts, while keeping your skin silky soft and velvety smooth. Daily application leaves your breasts feeling sturdy, firm and fuller. Benefits It helps in increasing breast size Effec­tive for firm­ing, strength­en­ing and adding vol­ume to your breasts Developing a new satisfying feeling of fullness Balance female hormones and promote breast size and firmness safely and naturally. Suits any type of skin 100% Natural Ingredients No side Effects Direction for Use:Apply on breast area, massage for 5-10 minutes. For effective result, use twice daily {morning and night}.

Tk. 2200.00
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Breast Firming Gel

Dr James Breast Firming Gel is an exclusive breast enhancing/firming formula that helps to enlarge the cellular substructure of the female breast. It helps in increasing breast size, developing a new satisfying feeling of fullness. It helps to enlarge, firm and shape the breast area and improve the tissues of the breasts. Dr. James Breast Firming Gel contains deep piercing natural liposomes that firm, strengthens and adds volume to the breast while keeping the skin soft and smooth. Exceptional formulation of Pueraria mirifica and PH balance nanotechnology formulation for instant breast firmness known for its capability to balance female hormones and promote breast size and firmness safely and naturally. The Firm­ing bust cream is effec­tive for firm­ing, strength­en­ing and adding vol­ume to your breasts, while keep­ing your skin silky soft and velvety smooth. Daily application leaves your breasts feel­ing sturdy, firm and fuller.

Tk. 1750.00
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Deemark Mughal Prash

Mughal Prash is a herbal formulation of highly effective herbs to cure spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, loss of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction etc. It helps to regain the healthy sexual functions naturally. These ingredients act on both nervous and reproductive organs. Mughal Prash is a Dietary Supplement beneficial in natural sexual enhancement. It stimulates blood flow to the Genital region. The massaging action of Oil increases the impulses to the sexual organ for initiating sexual act. The highly organized sensory end organ system in the genital parts then transmits signals to the brain & erection & arousal occurs. It works best for men who fail to get an erection from time to time, despite feeling sexually aroused and also for those who have problems with maintaining sexual desire. Capsules is a boon who has poor penile rigidity due to over indulgence in sex or old age, with the growing age it continues the pleasure of sex. There could be a number of reasons for sexual problems including psychological & physical factors or a combination of both. Mughal Prash works on all factors. It is 100% Herbal and it has no Side effects.

Tk. 3500.00
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New fair look

Fair Look is an all in one skincare treatment manufactured using Ayurveda ingredients making it safe for skin and other body parts. Fairlook Fairness Lotion is a blend of pure, safe, herbal components to treat skin problems like dark, dull and oily skin, acne, blemishes leaving the skin fair and supple. It works well on other body parts too for lightning and brightening of skin and providing an even tone throughout. It can be used by men, women & teenagers with any skin type and all year long.

Tk. 2950.00
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Mughal Prash

Mughal Prash is a herbal formulation of highly effective herbs to cure spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, loss of saxual desire, erectile dysfunction etc. It helps to regain the healthy saxual functions naturally. These ingredients act on both nervous and reproductive organs. Mughal Prash is a Dietary Supplement beneficial in natural saxual enhancement. It stimulates blood flow to the Genital region.

Tk. 3500.00
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shakti power prash

Shakti Power Prash is a 100% herbal supplement benefitting men suffering from erectile dysfunction and women suffering from low libido. In our regular life, often most of the adults suffer from the problem of low energy and depression. Due to this most of the adults in India suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Although, these diseases have no visible effect when it comes to sexual life it is a very serious problem among adults. The sexual diseases adversely affect the married life of the couple as they due to sexual dissatisfaction couples often go for extramarital affairs. We can also find most of the divorce cases are filed in the name of sexual problems. Thus, it is very essential for us to make our body fit and energetic to live a happy married life The major causes of sexual problems in contemporary era are numerous. We can see people are living very unhealthy lifestyle. Even the food and sleeping habits are also very unhealthy. In addition, we see most of the adults are having habits of consuming alcohol, smoking, and use different types of drugs. All these things are the major cause of sexual problems especially erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Tk. 3500.00
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Mughal Prash

Mughal Prash is a herbal formulation of highly effective herbs to cure spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, loss of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction etc. It helps to regain the healthy sexual functions naturally. These ingredients act on both nervous and reproductive organs. Mughal Prash is a Dietary Supplement beneficial in natural sexual enhancement. It stimulates blood flow to the Genital region.

Tk. 3500.00
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Dr. Madhu Amrit

ডায়াবেটিস নিরাময়ের জন্য আজই সেবন করুন ডাঃ মধু অমৃত। ★ এটি ১০০% পার্শপ্রতিক্রিয়া মুক্ত। ★ ঘরে বসে পণ্য অর্ডার করুন, পণ্য বুঝে মূল্য দিন।Dr. Madhu Amrit Herbal Powder is used to restores energy and improves health. This is a non toxic herbal powder and which is made from rich ingredients and available with us at cost effective pricing. We manufacture and supply Dr. Madhu Amrit Herbal Powder & capsule to our clients at exclusive range. This herbal powder helps in regulating diabetes.

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viga spray

Super Viga 240000 is a surface anesthetic used for prolonging erection and delaying orgasm Application: Spray a light amount (2 to 3 squirts) on the head of the penis approximately 5 minutes before intercourse Recommended for use with a condom (wear the condom after using the spray) Contains 10g Lidocaine and Vitamin E This product is not a contraceptive. Made in Germany

Tk. 2500.00
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fair look

air Look is an all in one skincare treatment manufactured using Ayurveda ingredients making it safe for skin and other body parts. Fairlook Fairness Lotion is a blend of pure, safe, herbal components to treat skin problems like dark, dull and oily skin, acne, blemishes leaving the skin fair and supple. It works well on other body parts too for lightning and brightening of skin and providing an even tone throughout. It can be used by men, women & teenagers with any skin type and all year long.

Tk. 1750.00
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sweat slim belt

weat Slim Belt আপনি প্রতিদিন এক্সারসাইজের সময় বা দৈনন্দিন কাজের সময় পোশাকের নিচে পরতে পারেন। এটা Neotex TM (intelligent fiber technology) তে তৈরী যা আপনার বডি টেম্পারেচার বাড়িয়ে দেয়; ফলে আপনার ঘাম বেড়ে যায় এবং ফ্যাট বার্ন হয় যা আপনাকে আকর্ষনীয় ওয়েস্টলাইনের অধিকারী করে। ফেব্রিকের ইন্টার্নাল টেক্সচার আপনাকে ঘর্মাক্ত করে আর এক্সটার্নাল টেক্সচার আপনার ঘাম ও আর্দ্রতা শোষন করে নেয়। এটা পুরুষ ও মহিলা উভয়ের ব্যবহার উপোযোগী। আসল Sweat Slim Belt BUY 1 GET 1 FREE, এজন্য একটি কিনলে একটি ফ্রি পাবেন।

Tk. 1500.00
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