Vigora 100mg Tablets Vigora 100mg tablets, also known as the red pill is a popular medication known to turn any average man into Superman overnight, especially men with erectile dysfunction. It works a lot like Viagra, but it’s also much cheaper than Viagra. It’s strictly for men and women and children should not try to use. Vigora 100mg works by dilating the blood vessels in your body and increasing blood flow to your genitalia. This subsequently, gives you more a fuller and firmer erection that will turn you into the man of steel. By relaxing the muscles in your genitalia, it prolongs your orgasms and is an excellent solution for premature ejaculation. Get ready for an intense sexual experience that will leave you feeling like Superman. The main active ingredient is sildenafil citrate, and it comes in 100mg tablets. It’s readily available as an over-the-counter or a prescription depending on your location but you can also purchase it online at your discretion.

Tk. 4500.00
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