Body Buildo

Body Buildo

Body Buildo will help increase muscle mass, regulate your body weight, and gives you multiple health advantages. The antioxidants present in the ingredients in Body Buildo give the body the potential to fight illness, disease and increase overall health. It is easy to digest and absorbed quickly by the body. Body Buildo consists of natural herbs that are required for muscle building, reducing body fat and provides overall well-being. During training and exercising the body stops building new proteins and the breakdown of protein increases. After working out, the building of muscles starts to take place, and protein breakdown decreases. It is around this time that you need to supply your body with essential amino acids to help increase the muscle-building process and reduce protein breakdown. Post workout is the time when you need an adequate intake of protein. The components present in these natural protein sources promotes maximum muscle growth and at a faster rate. It helps get the protein level up to repair tissue and muscle damage and stimulate training. Body Buildo is a protein supplement which helps build muscles and provides a well-developed body. It contains Ayurvedic ingredients that are essential for muscle recovery and tissue regeneration along with having some other benefits. It consists of minerals, vitamins and other useful ingredients that help in improving the immune system, curbs hunger, helps in losing weight, maintain high energy levels and have a fit and lean body.

Tk. 2990.00
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— অরিজিন্যাল পণ্যের জন্য কল করুন আমাদের হটলাইন +880 1711-161 810 –এ।
— ফ্রি ডেলিভারি অল বাংলাদেশ
— ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারি এবং বিকাশ পে

আলোকিত ডট কম
হ্যাপি আর্কেড শপিং মল দোকান নং ২৮, রোড নং ৩, ধানমণ্ডি, ঢাকা ১২০৫
হটলাইন নং ০১৭১১-১৬১৮১০ এবং ০১৭৩৩-৯৮৯৬৭৫ (সকাল ১০টা থেকে রাত ১০টা)।

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