Ortho Balm & Tablets

Ortho Balm & Tablets

Deemark Ortho Balm is Scientifically designed and certified by NRDC (National Research Development Corporation) & CSIR-NEIST (Council Of Scientific & Industrial Research-North East Institute Of Science & Technology) to relieve the pains associated with joints of our body. It relieves pain and stiffness and various body Aches like Knee pain, shoulder pain, back pain, arthritis and cervical, frozen shoulder tennis elbow and joint pain due to any problem in joints like deficiency of nutrition or synovial fluid. This product helps in bringing back the normal functionality of various affected body parts. This helps in repairing affected joints through recovering them with the synovial fluid that gets lost with the growing age or injuries. It brings back the normal swiftness of the joints and enables you to function properly. It also helps in repairing the damaged tissues of the body as well. Deemark Ortho Balm is a long researched product by Indian government organizations to get rid of joints pain and it also help unleashes healthy joints.

Tk. 4500.00
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— অরিজিন্যাল পণ্যের জন্য কল করুন আমাদের হটলাইন +880 1711-161 810 –এ।
— ফ্রি ডেলিভারি অল বাংলাদেশ
— ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারি এবং বিকাশ পে

আলোকিত ডট কম
হ্যাপি আর্কেড শপিং মল দোকান নং ২৮, রোড নং ৩, ধানমণ্ডি, ঢাকা ১২০৫
হটলাইন নং ০১৭১১-১৬১৮১০ এবং ০১৭৩৩-৯৮৯৬৭৫ (সকাল ১০টা থেকে রাত ১০টা)।

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